Idahosa Benson Death

It is in no doubt that the death ofAfrica’s most decorated Archbishop, Benson Idahosa who passed on the 12th of March, 1998 has raised manycriticism and questions among Christians.

Benson Idahosa, Prophet Ajanaku died because they did not respect me – Guru Maharaj Ji Spiritual leader and self proclaimed Messiah of the world, Guru Maharaj Ji has spoken about Pastor Chris. In loving memory of Benson Idahosa It's 22 years that the icon and ambassador of the gospel of Christ to the world, Benson Idahosa went to be with the Lord.No man has ever challenged me unto practical Christianity than this manI have read about him from birth to death.

This is because many find it hard tobelieve that such a powerful man of God whom God has used to raise the deathand accomplished many other tasks could pass at the age he was called home.

At the just concluded Seraph for Christconvention under leadership of Pastor Gideon O. Oyedepo which is targetedtowards the coming together of the white garment church in which the maidenedition of the program is tagged “Amazing Grace.”

It is in this course that Dr. ChrisWilliams make it known that through the hurdles of life, rest is one big factorthat is essential to be observed if we want to dwell more on the land whereinthe Lord has given us to rule

Though, it’s a global knowledge of naturethat death is inevitable but its effectives on powerful men of God becomes amystery as it is assumed that they have the indepth power to control thesupernatural world including death. Yet, it has been recorded that human are thecauses behind most early havoc which leads to death.


There are many factors which are detrimentto human habitation and existence on earth, among this factors is Rest.

Bothyoung and old are always on the verge of losing their time for rest due totheir magnanimous activities to their self, the community and nation at large.It is in this vein that the reason behind Bishop

Benson Idahosa was revealed.

Schedule of Archbishop Benson Idahosa was always tight on everyday basis across the globe which ranges from seminars, conferences and prayer meetings which made him restless.

Idahosa Benson Death

Dr. Williams recalled what led to the deathof the African Bishop “As it was revealed that Bishop Idahosa slumped afterreturning from an American tour at 3a.m. in which he brought some white men,and when he landed, he took it up again for counselling and after that heattended the morning glory prayer at 5a.m and on his way coming from the prayerhe slumped and died. It is in no doubt that the African Bishop would have beenfamiliar with this busy routine which later rose to claim his dear life.”

In furtherance, this goes to many prophets,pastors and evangelists, no matter how you eat well, no matter how you drinkwater if you don’t rest, you will still break down. Many children of God don’trest, and also the many men of God. Thatis why Bishop Benson Idahosa died because due to lack of rest. In the Book ofMark 6:31 “Jesus said come a while to the desert and rest.”

Even God worked for six days and rested on the seventh day, not as if God is tired but because he want to set a precedence for everyone.

If you are not resting, you are sinningagainst your body and against the temple of the Holy Ghost.” He charged.

Benson Idahosa Death

Dr. Williams therefore admonished that itis necessary for every Christians to have their time of recreation, to find outwhat make them happy and do it regularly.